If you look around the Jewish blogs you'll notice something strange. You'll notice that the blogs whose main topic is religion and theology hardly mention the topic of God. They will talk about Torah and they will talk about how to interpret the Bible, but they rarely mention God. This, on face value, is peculiar. How could a religious blog not mention the most important concept in religion?
It's not just the blogs that you notice this, but the religion itself. I remember when I was orthodox, I really didn't think too much about God. Sure, we acknowledged God in theory, but when push comes to shove we loved the Torah more than anything else, and since God supposedly was the author, we loved God by extension. Now that I am no longer focused primarily on Judaism I find myself thinking about the concept of God more frequently.
The very concept of God is very fuzzy for most religious people. God is some great unknown that none can clearly define. It's hard to talk about something if you don't even know what it is. That is one reason why God isn't spoken about directly. In Christianity, Jesus is the place holder for God. That's why Christians talk more about Jesus than God himself. In Judaism, the Torah is the place holder for God.
I my coming posts I would like to talk about God directly with no intermediaries. I would like to do this because it is the most fundamental religious idea. Some believe that it is impossible to do, because God is completely unknowable. But I learned from one of the most wise Jew, Baruch Spinoza, that not only is this possible, but it is the highest good that a human mind can achieve. So, if you don't mind, let's try to discuss this most high spiritual concept together. Hopefully we can gain some real insight if we do it together.